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Pharmacy Benefit Insights

Understanding the Impact of Group Purchasing Organizations on Pharmaceutical Rebates

In pharmacy benefit management how rebates flow is crucial for plan sponsors and is pivotal in how employers provide pharmaceutical benefits to their members. Increased transparency on PBM revenue streams has led to a more transparent handling of rebates within the industry. With better understanding comes more informed decision-making, but the rise of Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) has added complexity to an otherwise straightforward process.

Major PBMs have testified to passing the majority of rebates directly to plan sponsors, resulting in high satisfaction. This straightforward approach has allowed plan sponsors to gauge the financial impact of rebates on their overall pharmaceutical benefit costs with relative ease. However, PBMs have ventured into the creation of GPOs, which charge various fees to pharmaceutical manufacturers. While this diversification of revenue streams is beneficial for PBMs, it has created a cloud of opaqueness around the flow of rebates, potentially reducing the share of these revenues that find their way to plan sponsors.

Plan sponsors now find themselves at a crossroads, where the newfound complexity introduced by GPOs challenges the transparency they have come to expect. Understanding the intricacies of GPO involvement and its impact on the flow of rebates is essential for plan sponsors to navigate this evolving landscape effectively. In conclusion, the pharmaceutical rebate landscape has evolved significantly, and plan sponsors must remain vigilant, well-informed, and proactive to ensure they continue to reap the full benefits of rebates while adapting to the changing dynamics of the industry.


Take control of your pharmacy benefits with proactive strategies that align with your health plan's financial goals. Contact APC today to learn how we can help navigate the complexities of drug pricing, optimize PBM selection, and protect your health plan's bottom line. 

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